Gempar!! Teori Penyiasat YouTube Dakwa MH370 Mendarat Di Deigo Garcia.

Posted by Semua Berita Ada Disini


Gempar!! Teori Penyiasat YouTube Dakwa MH370 Mendarat Di Deigo Garcia.

Dalam videonya yang terbaru Montagraph telah memperincikan kemungkinan bahawa penerbangan MH370 yang hilang itu telah mendarat di Diego Garcia, pangkalan tentera rahsia dikawal oleh Amerika Syarikat.

Melalui garis masa peristiwa Montagraph cuba membuktikan apa yang didakwanya adalah benar dan boleh diterima akal..

Malah teorinya kelihatan lebih masuk akal dari apa-apa teori atau spekulasi dalam media arus perdana baru-baru ini..

Video butiran bagaimana penerbangan 370 berlepas Lapangan Terbang Kuala Lampur Malaysia pada 00:41 pada 8 Mac , hilang dari radar dan menara komunikasi selepas membuat pusingan yang agak tajam balik ke barat dikatakan maklumat penting yang membawa Montagraph ke bahagian seterusnya penyiasatannya .

Menurut Montagraph dan lain-lain , pesawat itu dilihat terbang rendah di hujung selatan Kepulauan Maldives sekitar 6:15 pagi , pada pagi 8 Mac 2014 .

Jom tengok teorinya di bawah

YouTube Investigator: ‘Flight 370 landed at Diego Garcia military base, plane and passengers then put in a Faraday style hangar’

March 24, 2014 2:30 AM EDT

Most recently Montagraph produced a video detailing the possibility that the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 was landed at Diego Garcia, a top-secret military base controlled by the U.S.

By Shepard Ambellas

(INTELLIHUB) — Montagraph, who is also the face behind the popular “Montagraph” YouTube channel, is known for his thought-provoking videos. In his most recent video titled “Flight MH370 Is At Diego Garcia – Here’s The Proof”, Montagraph laid-out a brief timeline of events that really make sense. In fact his theory makes more sense then any of the mainstream media’s recent conjecture.

In fact, the video details how flight 370 departed Malaysia’s Kuala Lampur Airport at 12:41am on the Mar. 8, disappearing from radar and tower communications around 1:21am after making a rather sharp turn-back to the west. This is key information which led Montagraph to the next part of his investigation.

According to Montagraph and others, the plane was seen flying low at the southern tip of the Maldives Islands around 6:15am, on the morning of Mar. 8, 2014. After referencing flight times and distances, Montagraph concluded that the plane would have been in the vicinity of the Maldives around 6:25am. “That’s only a ten minute difference”, stated Montagraph.

Montagraph then stated that MH370 most likely landed at Diego Garcia and the plane may have been ushered into a massive “Faraday cage” style hangar to avoid passengers from communicating with the outside world.

Montagraph speculates that the plane will later be crashed into the ocean for press coverage and none of the passengers will be retrieved as they likely are still being held at a military facility.

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